Monday 1 November 2010


Welcome to Wavey rhythms.. as a sixth form student my task was to produce a music blog, aimed at the target audience of young people aged between (16-19).
I listen to URBAN music genres such as RnB, Rap, Hip-hop & Bashment..
Therefore; i decided to stick with what i know and produce a blog reflecting this genre. 

The aim of this blog is to keep young people updated and refreshed on the latest tunes, music vids and news in the UK music industry. 

I had to decide on many things; 
-will the mag will be sold on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis?
-style and form 
-brand identity use of logos
-language of mag
-use of original images
-regional or national pub
-target audience

-All of the above are key to producing a successful blog and magazine appropriate to the target audience.

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